Insulation solutions for airborne sound
Solutions which avoid the transmission of airborne sound from a space through a surface to an adjacent space. They are mass-spring systems that allow the minimisation of the direct and flank transmission, through de-coupling and the contribution of elastic mass.
Acoustic issue: Airborne Sound
Noise generated by the disturbance of the air surrounding sound sources and is transmitted
to other adjoining spaces. The sound waves collide against other surfaces, causing them to
vibrate and transmitting the disturbance to air around them in the adjoininng spaces.
This disturbance can be caused by a conversation, music, television or any other source of noise, capable of transmitting through air, which can be found in the building or the outside of a venue.
Although the insulation of this type of noise is regulated in terms of sound quality targets, in many times this is not enough as the comfort also depends on the noise level of the emitter. Voices, cries or music are often heard in the adjoining stay when a space is not properly soundproofed although the installation is made in accordance to legislation.
Many of these problems are easily solved in the design phase, in the rest of the cases, more expensive corrective measures are necessary.
Consequences of Airborne Sound
To people’s health, altering the regular activities at home and their rest. A space without noise is essential in order to sleep and rest. Noise is an unpleasant, undesirable, disruptive, or harmful sound to the health for those who perceive it. Noise produces uneasiness and hinders or impedes attention, communication, concentration, rest and sleep. Persistence of these issues can cause chronic states of nervousness and stress which, in turn, lead to psychological and/ or physical disorders, cardiovascular disease and alterations of the immune system.
According to several studies, noise provoques an impact on sleeping at a different levels depending on the person. From 30 dB noise on, can cause sleeping issues such as sleeping interruptions and could cause insomnia.
Airborne problems have increased due to lighter constructions, which have replaced the heavier ones which were more robustly built and had greater mass.
Insulation solutions for Airborne Sound
There are a number of basic approaches to sound reduction: the increase of the distance between the source and the receiver, the use of acoustic barriers to reflect or absorb the energy of the sound waves, the use of damping structures such as metamaterials (sound deflectors), or the use of generators for the active control of noise by masking it.
In virtually all cases, the only viable solution is to place or reinforce one or more partitions between the source and the receiver room with acoustic materials (dBsonic SP and dBsonic HM-3D) to prevent its propagation between rooms through a mass-spring system.
When the separation is designed, it is important to provide as much surface mass as possible without in creasing the stiffness and try to couple the perimeter and anchor areas with elastic bands and cushions. It is also very effective to use the combination of different thicknesses and densities. Asymmetrical venues
are also very helpful.
A partition provides insulation for both outside and inside noise. Thus we define the transmission loss as the difference between external or internal noise, and an indoor enclosure noise.
Insulation of elements such as walls, suspended ceilings, forges, doors and windows can be described as a reduction index R, or what is equal to TL (Transmission Loss). This index describes the decrease (in decibels) that the sound is weakened by passing through a component.
dBsonic Solutions
- dBsonic SP
dBsonic SP is a material based on the selection of open cell foams of different densities. This non-homogeneous combination, bounded with an elastic polimer binder, gives asymmetry to the structure of the material without losing its elastic properties. It also improves the impedance of the system in order to decrease transmissions and resonances. Its open cell provides excellent absorption properties as well.
The combination of sound absorption capacity and elasticity allows dBsonic SP to perform efficiently both in air cavities and as a spring in a mass-spring insulation system. In both cases it contributes with significant acoustic and thermal insulation It also disconnects the structure and controls the cavity resonance avoiding stationary wave generation. It is the only product in the market with elastic and absorbent properties.
dBsonic is produced with a method in which the minimal amount of energy is invested in selection and pressing. The possibility of recycling it, makes dBsonic SP a sustainable material ahead of other solutions which consume more energy in their production process and can cause allergic reaction to the installer.
- dBsonic HM-3D
dBsonic HM-3D is the only material on the market specially designed to work as a true acoustic membrane (frequency breaker), which adds absorption, mass and flexibility at the same time.
The material is made up of 3 layers (3D), two of these are elastic with great damping capacity and the other is a dense and flexible central layer. Due to this, its acoustic behaviour diminishes and displace the valleys of the resonance frequency and coincidence, in addition to increasing the insulation by mas law.
The acoustic membrane provides elasticity between two rigid masses, dissipating energy through viscosity. It transforms the insulation curve closer to mass law behavior (linearwise), lowering the resonances that appear in the curve that decrease the insulation.
Learn more about the insulating properties, techniques and advantages of our solutions, as well as the technical sheets of the different construction systems for wet wall, dry wall, false ceiling, etc. in our catalog.
Impact sound
Airborne sound